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Oster OEMP50 = Mr. Coffee ECMP50
Arthur Guimarães respondeu ao tópico de Arthur Guimarães em Máquinas de Expresso
Depois de uma semana tomando esse café, já não estou gostando muito... eheheh Parece meio queimado. Em que site vc costuma comprar ? Por mim, tudo bem! Moras onde? Eu moro em manaíra. Abs!- 122 respostas
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Oster OEMP50 = Mr. Coffee ECMP50
Arthur Guimarães respondeu ao tópico de Arthur Guimarães em Máquinas de Expresso
Boa ideia, Klause ! Passarei a fazer isso.- 122 respostas
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Oster OEMP50 = Mr. Coffee ECMP50
Arthur Guimarães respondeu ao tópico de Arthur Guimarães em Máquinas de Expresso
Bem, a máquina chegou ontem. Gostei bastante do visual e do acabamento. Por 299,00, esperava coisa bem pior. Já tirei varios espressos e fiz alguns lattes. A máquina me surpreendeu positivamente. O espresso sai com bastante crema e o sabor do café foi bem satisfatório. De qualquer forma, não posso nem comentar muito sobre o sabor porque utilizei o café já moído São Braz Gourmet para espresso. Infelizmente, foi o único que encontrei nos supermercados aqui em João Pessoa. Sei que o café ja moído não se compara ao moído na hora, mas eu gostei muito do sabor(não sou tão exigente). Meu moedor está vindo pelo ebay. Então, vou ter que me virar com esse mesmo por enquanto. O vaporizador também funciona muito bem. Consegui atingir bons niveis de cremosidade. Pontos negativos: 1- A bandeja é muito rasa, o que nos obriga a esvaziá-la com frequência para evitar vazamentos; 2 - Por ser muito baixinha, é impossível tirar o café em taças de vidro um pouco mais altas, mas isso não chega a ser um grande problema. Conclusão: Ótimo custo x benefício. Vou aposentar a Dolce Gusto. p.s: esse é um review de um iniciante no mundo do espresso.- 122 respostas
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Oster OEMP50 = Mr. Coffee ECMP50
Arthur Guimarães respondeu ao tópico de Arthur Guimarães em Máquinas de Expresso
Obrigado, Klause ! Ainda estou esperando a chegada da máquina. Deve chegar na próxima segunda-feira. Você está satisfeito com a sua ?- 122 respostas
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Oster OEMP50 = Mr. Coffee ECMP50
Arthur Guimarães respondeu ao tópico de Arthur Guimarães em Máquinas de Expresso
Encontrei esse comentário sobre a Oster/Mr. Coffee no coffeegeek.com. Um usuário faz um review bem completo, com várias informações e dicas bastante úteis. Segundo ele, a bomba utilizada é da marca ULKA. ________________________________ If you're a Geek you'll enjoy my review. If you're a Geek and anal about things you'll like it better. Specifications and Features ECMP50: Pump is a 15 bar Italian Ulka. The system is self priming. The heater is 1200W. The boiler is a thermalblock therefore water is heated on demand and endless. Total wattage 1250 (10.4A at 120vac). Power usage in 24 hours was 0.44 KWH. To extract one double add 0.01 KWH. Width 8-½", Height 11", Depth 10-½". There’s 3-7/8" clearance between collection tray and portafilter. With the grid removed clearance is 4-7/8". The steam wand swings out to the front. It can be used to surf the hole with the rubber cover removed. The clearance from the counter to the orifice is 4-3/8". The clearance from the orifice to the bend in the steam wand is 2-5/8". If you push the milk container back ¾ inch past the 2nd bend, you can get 3-3/8" from the underside to the orifice. The smoked water tank holds 50 ounces or ~25 double extractions. The attached lid can be lifted and tilted back for filling. It can also be used as a handle to lift out the tank. Collection tray doesn’t have a float and holds 10 ounces. After every steam cycle, 3/4oz. is expelled into tray. It would take ~13 steam cycles to fill the collection tray. Temperature is controlled electronically through a thermistor not simply electrically through a thermostat switch. Pwr On to ready is 38-40 sec. Add 9 sec. for steam. After an initial spit of cool water, steam is dry, copious and endless. The pump pulses during this operation. User functions are controlled through a knob on the right side. Functions are FCCW extract, FCW through off is steam. After pressing a front panel button, either brew or steam and turning the function knob: From extraction mode to off , pressure is released into collection tray. From steam mode to off, pressure is released into collection tray and the pump pulses ~3/4oz. of water through the thermal block until brew temperature is restored. The portafilter pressure however isn’t released due to the usual silicone check valve above the shower screen. This machine can’t deliver hot water through the steam wand. In a pinch you can pull a blank shot through the portafilter for hot water. All functions have intelligence. You cannot enter any function until the blinking green ready led is steady on. There is a pre-infusion pause of ~3sec while extracting. The filter basket is a pressurized double wall type with a single hole on the bottom. The portafilter is aluminum. The shower screen is food grade non magnetic stainless. The stainless front panel has some ferrous in it. The collection tray grid has more ferrous in it. The unit’s attaching ramps for the portafilter tangs are all ABS as is the whole cabinet. The water tank may be Lexan. Accessories:You can replace the filter basket with a non pressurized type Krups 0907163 double filter basket $6.95 or Krups 41470 $6.95 should fit. But check before you buy. The one I use is from a fifteen year old (1996) Delonghi Caffe Treviso flat flange OD 52.35mm ID 51.43mm. A triple filter will also fit if you remove the rubber insulating/director in the bottom of the portafilter. I do. The ECMP50 filter basket is a flat flange with a slight roll down on the outer edge. That roll down doesn’t interfere with the portafilter, so a simple flat flange will function the same. If you buy a tamp a standard $6 double ended tamp will fit. My tamper small end spec. 1.982" (50.34mm) the big end is for prosumer machines. Maintenance: Should the filter basket hole get clogged never release the portafilter, the pressure is 217.5PSI at 15bar. Turn power off and wait ‘till it cools. A clog could also damage the pump and plumbing. Never use a blade grinder as this allows coffee fines to get through the filter holes clogging the single hole! Choke! I recommend cleaning hole after every use. Simply run water into the filter, cup your hand over the top, wrap your fingers underneath then squeeze. A jet of water will squirt from the hole flushing between the layers. Calibration: There are no fixed thermostat click switches for steam or extraction like most espresso machines and drip coffee makers. Temperature is controlled through a circuit board via a thermistor sensor. Highly sensitive, heat from the tip of an index finger can change an ambient sensor reading of ~111.5K ohm to 108K ohm. Thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient. You can calibrate this type of system. When ambient, the thermistor reads ~110k ohms; a circuit board assembly controls the heater through a relay. When hot ~2k ohms the relay opens turning the heater off. Assembly line selected resisters R31 and R32 calibrate the temperature. It is possible to add a variable resistor (27k works) across the forward facing legs of R31 and R32. Adjusting resistor lower will raise, not lower, the temperature. The factory calibration on ours was from cold or cool to ready 165-171F a variance of 6F. At another time from cold to ready 160F then add >1hr 176F a variance of 16F. Though shots were sweet and tasty, a better extraction temperature would be 180-185F. My favorite Petes Coffee shop set theirs to 185F. I calibrate without the portafilter directly into a foam cup with a calibrated digital probe. Probe Calibration is referenced to boiling water. The offset reading from 212F is the correction factor. I apply this (my case: add +2F) to the digital probe reading while in use. My current post modification readings: worst case variance 11F from cold to over 4 hours. *Note: I noticed that after cycling the power switch off then back on the heater may or not come on. Doing this I noticed a temperature variance as tight as 2F. At this point the most consistent readings are 1st in day from cold to ready: the variance is in fact 2F. Calibrated with applied correction factor to 183-185F. Update: rock solid 185F 3 days running from cold 1st in day. I also added a lamp on the underside to tell if heater is On or Off. I like it. Disassembly: To gain access to the inside you need to remove many screws including 2 security screws. And remove the glued control panel overlay. There are 2 screws beneath it. I use naptha (lighter fluid) sold at paint stores or Home Depot as a paint thinner/cleaner. It will work its way under softening the glue without damage to the plastic. To reinstall let the naptha evaporate and the sticky glue will still be active. Complaints about leaking water from the back around the power cord haven’t happened to me. However removing the tank will cause about 2 tablespoons of water to drip down to the counter. Or if filling the tank in place, observe the handle retraction groove guides, they lead to the counter not the tank. A spring loaded seal inside the tank closes on removal. The power cord leading inside is about ½ inch from the bottom plate well above water on the counter. I use distilled water. It is devoid of conductive salts and minerals. Therefore it is non-conductive or dielectric. I don’t need to panic. I’m happy with the ECMP50. My old DeLonghi, ECMP40, Classic Coffee Concepts (weeps) and Krups Gusto (leaks) all still work but I like the ECMP50 best. In use for 2 weeks, other than condensate, it doesn’t weep anywhere. Time will tell. My wife purchased it at Target in store regular $79 for $59 on sale. Roast your own. Use this machine. And first thing in the morning you'll experience the best rush ever. No sissy milk drinks for me. Entertained? Then you're a Geek. How about rating this review?- 122 respostas
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Oster OEMP50 = Mr. Coffee ECMP50
Arthur Guimarães respondeu ao tópico de Arthur Guimarães em Máquinas de Expresso
Valeu, pessoal !- 122 respostas
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Descobri que a Oster OEMP50 é vendida nos EUA pela marca Mr. Coffee, sob o modelo ECMP50. É bem vendida por lá e é muito bem recomendada pelos compradores no amazon.com. Oster e Mr. Coffee são marcas do mesmo grupo (Sunbean Corporation). Adquiri uma Oster na saraiva.com e estou esperando chegar. Será minha primeira máquina de espresso. Hoje, possuo apenas uma Dolce Gusto. Gosto muito dela, mas cansei de ficar preso às cápsulas. Quanto ao moedor, comprei pelo ebay por 80 dólares já com frete. Foi um burr da Capresso (modelo 55904). Farei um review por aqui assim que recebê-los.
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