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Iskanda last won the day on 1 Fevereiro 2021

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    Xenia H, Otto 860

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  1. Iskanda


    In the meantime we start to translate the new website to English: The 1st section (highlights) is ready and more will follow:
  2. Iskanda


    Now we work on a grinder with nearly 0-retention: And we hope to finish an upgrade for our Xenia in 2020: a machines with 2 boilers.
  3. Iskanda


    I think it is a bit late for an answer. Sorry. We have been very busy with extending the production and in the meantime we produced ~750 machines. In case of interested, you can use to define your desired configuration. We made also some special machines, like: More images you can see here: and:
  4. Iskanda


    We increased in the meantime the production a bit (~2-3 machines per day) and I got some nice pictures from some customers: A unique design:
  5. Iskanda


    Here a try with a special color:
  6. Iskanda


    In case someone like to see an unboxing video of the 1st machine of the 2nd production: The comments are in German, but it should be easy to understand what is happening. Some more pictures, videos & information you can find on our new website Some translations needed to be updated, but there are already many English articles.
  7. Iskanda


    If you order - we send (one day) In the meantime someone was so kind and made some beautiful pictures with 2 of our machines. And here are some more :
  8. Iskanda


    In the meantime we produced a batch of machines an I can show a few pictures. Fortunatly all the machines are working without problems, even they are the 1st units
  9. Iskanda


    Thank you. It is a pleasure that we can 'play' a bit with the colors and design. It is not only simple production Btw: there is a new grinder in the market. I tested the last 3 months several grinders and among all the 860 is the best. The very best concerning the handling and consistency of the shots. The 860 is produced by Conti Valerio in Italy (Firenze). I wrote several reviews about the grinder and about the 'why' we choose the 860 (but it is in german): If you think about the grinder and can get a 860: think about it seriously.
  10. Iskanda


    Finally we started the production and for the 1st machine we choose an unusual color for the facade. Usually the faceade is ordered with "black eloxal" or "brilliant stainless steel". More pictures:
  11. Iskanda


    Hello, may be you can do a favour for me. We are participating in a competition for small business from Fedex and to reach the next round of the 10 companies, we need some 'shares', 'likes',..... If you want support us, you can share our profile: Just click here on 'anything': and share it. Thank you!
  12. Iskanda


    Actually we work on the second extension board and we can try reserve a port for it. But depending on the space, we will add free (multipurpose) ports in each case. For the final layout of the base board, we have been able to add one additional port for an external solidstaterelais (for what ever we meight need it one day). And we added 2 ports for 2 addional buttons. The advantage is that we orderrd toggle switches with 3 position: This allows us - for example - to implement 2 function for brewing: 2->3 = start the shot and wait until the user ends the shot 1<-2 = start the shot and end it after x seconds May be the challenge willl be to find the right scale.
  13. Iskanda


    The problem is 'only' that we can't deliver a machine with a software poviding such a function. But there is no patent of software and the firmware/software could be modified and may be soneome publish one day a new version and you can upload it.
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