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KawaCoffee last won the day on 24 Março 2016

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  2. 64 hours left! Great feature from Daily Coffee News
  3. Hello everyone Thank you all for supporting our campaign! It means a lot to us. If we reach our goal 3rd stretch we will be including an elegant bamboo sieve holder for free inside every unit. We are also working on a carrying case for the Rafino but it will not be finished in time before the campaign ends in 3 days. Before the product ships we will give everyone the option if They would like to add the case to their order. For now I would like to share with you the two concepts. What do you think?
  4. Hello We plan to ship by this summer. Our manufacturing is lined up and we made sure that our Kickstarter goal was enough to cover tooling costs and production costs. Also, we will be adding more sieve sizes in the future. Hopefully by the end of the campaign if we can get the samples in time from the factory. We haven't tested anything below 300 microns so we want to make sure it works properly before we offer it. Thank you Marek
  5. Thank you all for the very warm welcome Ruben, for both the Aeropress and V60 the 400 and 800 micron sizes work great. I make coffee using both methods and those are the sizes I use. Sometimes depending on the bean I personally go a little coarser for the V60 (400-1000) to get a lighter cup. But that is just how I like my coffee and we are all different
  6. Hi Marcio, Thank you International shipping is $15 Canadian ($11.25 USD). We have used traditional sieves before and we too were surprised at how well these photo chemically etched sieves work and how easy they are to clean. Marek
  7. Hi Burny, Thank you While we have tested the Rafino extensively at home, we have not done any in depth laboratory studies yet. We contacted local Universities to help us but the cost was prohibitive. If you see in the video I posted, it really does not take very long to separate the coffee grinds. The smaller the sieve the longer it will take. However because we are using a tiered system it does improve the sieving time. I tend to sieve for about 30-60 seconds. After that very little comes out. There is a point of diminishing returns so it is hard to give you that exact time number to reach 90%. Also, these numbers do vary depending on the grinder you use. When we tested the Rafino with an EK43, the consistency was better than the average grinder, however we still noticed a big difference in taste after removing the fines and boulders. We do not want to mislead anyone. When we say that cleaning this style of sieve is easier than a wire mesh, we were not exaggerating. I hope we demonstrated that in the video. Marek
  8. Hi! Marek here. I see there are many passionate coffee people on this thread. I'm sorry that I do not speak Portuguese, but with the help of Google Translate hopefully I can answer any questions you may have. Mr. Lisboa Santos. I love your energy and passion for coffee. I too love coffee and I just wanted to let you know that what we have created is not meant to be propaganda. The Rafino does work. We created it for coffee geeks like myself that wanted more control over their coffee. I am no expert barista, nor is this video below meant to be a "how to", I would simply like to share with the community how I make my coffee and how I use the Rafino to help me make it taste the best it can be. Cheers Marek Oi! Marek aqui. Vejo que há muitas pessoas café apaixonados sobre esta discussão. Lamento que eu não falo Português, mas com a ajuda do Google Translate espero que eu possa responder a quaisquer perguntas que possa ter. O Sr. Lisboa Santos. Eu amo a sua energia e paixão pelo café. Eu também amo o café e eu só queria que você saiba que o que nós criamos não é para ser propaganda. O Rafino funciona. Nós a criamos para geeks de café, como eu, que queriam mais controle sobre seu café. Não sou barista perito, nem é este vídeo abaixo pretende ser um "como fazer", eu simplesmente gostaria de compartilhar com a comunidade como eu faço meu café e como eu uso o Rafino para me ajudar a fazer o gosto da melhor forma possível estar. Saúde Marek
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