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Laz last won the day on 17 Junho 2017

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  • Equipamento
    Rocket Cellini Evo v2,Mazzer Mini E (A), Kinu M47.

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  1. I have added a rubber washer too that the basis rotated....)
  2. Good afternoon! I am very glad that you are fine))) Above I asked you several questions if possible write the answer)
  3. Good afternoon! Where all were gone? Really the subject isn't interesting to anybody any more? Gilberto, you are with us?)))
  4. Gilberto, good afternoon! There are several questions on tempera in general and according to version 2018 in particular. 1. I try to understand according to the drawing tempera - if on temperas to press with the effort exceeding complete compression of a spring and restriction (we will increase for example pressure force constantly), then this strong pressure completely will pass on a rod, the compressed spring and the limiter to a coffee tablet? I.e. NET of the maximum restriction of pressure when exceeding settlement pressure of a spring? 2. The difference of 2018 of 2017 consists in - and. a folding part of a disk emphasis on a basket (the cylinder is turned off). century to a notch at an upper end face of the cylinder. page availability in the plastic cylinder (whether understood precisely so it and why). availability of silicone rings under a spring and over a spring in the handle. e. the changed adjusting cap in the handle with the screw? Gilberto, boa tarde! Há várias perguntas na têmpera em geral e segundo a versão 2018 especialmente. 1. Tento entender segundo a têmpera de desenho - se na têmpera para pressionar com o esforço que excede compressão cheia de uma primavera e restrição (por exemplo aumentaremos a força de pressão constantemente), então esta pressão forte completamente transmitirá uma vara, a primavera compressa e o limitador a uma pastilha de café? Isto é não há restrição máxima da pressão no excesso da pressão de acordo de uma primavera? 2. A diferença de 2018 de 2017 compõe-se em - e. uma parte flexível de uma ênfase de disco em um cesto (o cilindro se apaga). século a um entalhe em extremo superior cara do cilindro. a existência de página no cilindro plástico (se entendeu precisamente assim ele e porque). a existência do silício toca abaixo de uma primavera e sobre uma primavera na maçaneta. e. o gorro de ajuste modificado na maçaneta com o parafuso? Whether version 2017 upgrade on version 2018 is possible (to receive details and to replace independently).
  5. BRAVO TAMPER 2018 !!!! !!!! ;)))))
  6. Good afternoon, Gilberto! How there is a work on a new design tempera?
  7. Prompt to the moderator, the administrator - as to me to increase volume for a photo???
  8. At a forum according to the reference above you can read about distempers and a trikhter especially for this Handpresso. Also you see in my set the special heater from 12 volts for liquid. Cold milk nagrevtsya to 70 degrees Celsius in 20 minutes (350 ml). I have in the car the autorefrigerator big.
  9. I welcome! There is my road coffee house. Photo. And it is my subject at a forum in Russia. You can just see a photo and references. It is also possible to use an online translator.
  10. Ekhkhkhkh... Gosh darn.... for me Brazil is only old novels 19-20 centuries. And as it is a pity... ;(( I have a roaster Gene Cafe CBR-101 But still I don't exploit him. Meanwhile is enough for me freshly roasted (3-5 days after roasting). I buy it with delivery here. I have collective purchase for friends of my city forum. I have no business from it, but I allow the discount to each customer. And as a result I have every time a free pack of coffee grain 250 гр. In a year I made 70 purchases, in each of which of 3-20 packs of coffee for my subscribers. I am not sure that the Internet the translator could translate me truly. I am glad that I communicate with you!!! I with pleasure will post still a photo, but you at a forum have restrictions on the volume of the general files. .... or I that I haven't understood that.... carlos eduardo Wow!! That's wonderful! I am glad to communicate with the colleague! My personal mail carlos eduardo It is my subject at our forum. I understand that you won't understand language, but just thumb through a subject.... I am LAZ
  11. carlos eduardo
  12. And still I have a mobile set for coffee in the car or hotel...
  13. Good afternoon! I welcome fans of coffee over the ocean! In Russia there are fans of coffee too. We have the forum - There is my coffee corner.
  14. Good afternoon! For some reason I do not see messages at a forum.... Work check...
  15. Once again I thank the master for such a wonderful thing !! (Scroll down ...) Perhaps there will be another colleague of mine on the Russian forum here and would also like to buy a tamper ... If my colleague will buy a tamper, is it possible to add this key chain to his parcel? In order not to pay extra delivery to Russia. In what colors is the key chain. And what are his dimensions? Can a larger photo keychain separately from different angles?
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